Maya Abdominal Massage / Preconception

60 min $85 / 90 min $110

M.A.M. is a non-invasive, external massage technique which guides the uterus and other intra-abdominal organs into their proper position for optimal health and wellbeing.

Maya massage improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen. The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage work on the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems. The techniques  combine modern science with traditional healing and wisdom to produce a holistic path to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. These sessions are tailored to your individual goals or concerns. For example, whether you are trying to get pregnant or are seeking relief from painful periods, etc. It is recommended that you refrain from strenuous or stressful activity after this session.

M.A.M. has helped many women with symptoms of:

~ Infertility, difficult pregnancy and delivery, premature delivery and weak newborns
~ Painful periods, including backache, cramps, headaches, and leg discomfort
~ P.M.S. and hormonal imbalances
~ Irregular periods or no period at all
~ Pelvic pain
~ Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine polyps and uterine infections

Preconception and M.A.M.

When your uterus is positioned properly, you increase your fertility potential and ability to maintain an optimal pregnancy. Preparing to get pregnant is like preparing a garden for planting. If you want the best tomatoes then you need to ensure your garden is in the best placement to receive the greatest amount of sunshine. The soil should be rich with nutrients and a good water source is essential. You are going to grow the healthiest baby possible when your body is in optimal health and balance. Maya Abdominal Massage can help get you there.