Therapeutic / Sports Massage

60 min $85 / 90 min $110

Therapeutic Massage is a manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate chronic pain, discomfort, adhesions, muscle spasms and stress. Sometimes clients have radiating nerve pain that can be relieved by releasing the muscle pressure on nerves. By relaxing and releasing the musculature, this nerve pain can be reduced or eliminated all together. I use various soft tissue techniques including but not limited to deep tissue, neuromuscular work, myofacial release, trigger point therapy, and active release on problem areas to help speed the body’s own natural ability to heal. Massage therapy is shown to improve functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous system. It also often improves the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness.

Therapeutic Sports Massage is a type of massage for people who are athletes and or play sports. Engaging in sports regularly can be harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. My clients who are athletic have had great success using consistent massage to help increase their performance, recovery time, prevent injuries and rehabilitate injuries. For people who are serious about their sports, sports massage is a must.

In my work I use techniques interchangeably to achieve the best results for what my client needs in each session.